Subscribe to a WebDAV Calendar with Google Calendar

Illustrated instructions for subscribing to a calendar published to our WebDAV Calendar Hosting Service from Google Calendar.

Google Calendar Support

Update December 14, 2022 - See instructions for subscribing to calendars with Google Calendar using a Google Apps script. The significant advantage of using the script is the update frequency can be set.

Illustrated instructions for subscribing to a calendar published to our WebDAV Calendar Hosting Service from Google Calendar.

Note: It only works with calendars published to the Public URL. Calendars published to the Private URL require a username and password to view, and Google Calendar does not support authentication.

Step 1) Go to Google Calendar Settings, Add Calendar, From URL.

Step 2) Enter the URL of the calendar. It will begin with https:// and end with .ics.


Google Calendar Settings, Add Calendar, From URL

If you need help obtaining the Public URL, open the View At address of your calendar in a browser, remove anything after the username, and add /calendars/ so that you end up with You will see a list of published calendars. Click the calendar name to see the actual .ics file. Use the URL from the browser's address bar.

Calendar Browser View

Calendar .ics file Browser View



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