Restructuring Design Department
Posted: September 24, 2007 to Announcements.
We have restructured our web design department to better server our clients and grow our business. Web design is being split into two separate departments, Express Web Design and Pro Web Design.
Express Design Department is for the majority of site owners who need fast turnaroud and easy access to edit their site. Sites managed by the Express Design department will feature:
- Smaller budget and faster build
- Clients can edit each page online
- Free site updates
- Email marketing tools
- Plugins for e-commerce
Pro Design Department will focus on clients needing professional web application and database development. Sites managed by the Pro Design Department will feature:
- Larger budget and slower build
- Duplicate test site
- Subversion system tracks all changes
- Dedicated project manager
- Unlimited capabilities
Watch our web site for the formal introduction of these changes on October 1st.